
Annie from the VC. An online friend of mine lived on the military base in Columbus, GA. So I got a afternoon off, away from the soon-to-be-ex-mother-in-law. Nice.


Sister-in-law's back yard. Lush and Georgia tropical.


Cool paper mache dragon at my sister-in-law's house. It actually make a weird noise. Head is a costume mask part, she then made the body out of fabric and paper. My son LOVED it.


My niece, happy graduate. Tops in her class and is going off to college at MIT. (And she is a great kid .)


"Mom! No more video games - seriously?"

Photo taken at Hollywood Connection, Columbus, GA. , (an indoor amusement complex with video games, mini carnival rides & movies), AFTER a two hour marathon of nothing but games


Fuzzhead saves a turtle.

We are in Georgia, (not that I really want to be here). The occasion is the high school graduation of my niece. She is a sweet kid and that really is the only reason that I am here. Jim, the-soon-to-be-ex, and I have been separated for several months now. I just cannot take anymore of his drunken, insane behavior. It makes for a living hell. (You would think after a couple of rounds in & out of the mental hospital AND several rounds of intensive care he would learn. But duh!) Anyhow, my mother-in-law planned this graduation thing and wanted us all there to be one big happy family. Oh well, I had to go since technically I am still married. No way to opt out. So I figure that I will make the most of it and try to have a reasonable time.

Fuzzhead, my son, loves his Aunt Linda's big backyard. It is like a mini nature center. And at this time of year, Georgia is so warm it like summer. Fuzzhead found this poor, wild box turtle struggling at the side of one of her small ponds. It had fallen in and was having a difficult time climbing out over the slick plastic sides. Box turtles love water, but are made to live on land. Twenty minutes later, the turtle and fallen in again and was once again struggling. Okay, turtles are slow learners, kindergarten kids are not. Fuzzhead found a fat stick and leaned it into the shallow pond making a little turtle ladder. Problem solved. Nice.